First, I want to thank you for reading my blog posts. I hope you find them useful. If ever you have suggestions on what I can do to make this blog more useful to you, please do share your thoughts with me. I really want to know and I welcome your suggestions. This is my first time at having a blog, which I started as many of you had encouraged me to start one and therefore I want this to be of use to you.
Secondly, I wanted to mention that most likely you will not see any posts from me this coming month of October. I am off to Nepal, trekking to Base Camp and there I will have very limited access to the net. I'll be back end of October and will resume at that time.
Till then, take care everyone and thanks again for subscribing and for being part of my community.
Have a great trip! I'm jealous.
Vinay, that's AMAZING. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
Enjoy; be safe; and bring back some inner peace for me ;-)
p.s. my confirmation word to subscribe to your blog was BLEST. Irony?
I really hope you blog about your journey, Vinay. What an experience! Are you going with a tour group? I know that Intrepid Travel has a trip that goes to Base Camp -- a great outfit that I once traveled with. Can't wait to hear about your experience.
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