Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thank You for Making A Difference!

First, I want to wish each and every one of you very joyous holidays. I also want you to know that you make a difference for me, which you may not realize.

Your subscribing to my blog, commenting on my posts, emailing me your thoughts, and sharing with me how something I posted shifted your thinking and which led to a positive result for you, has meant much to me.

As you may have noticed, I enjoy sharing my thoughts, and which I do only as they arise.  As a result, my postings come in waves for I don't force these writing but rather I let them emerge.  And while I experience joy through sharing, knowing I have you to share with, that gives me even greater energy, and purpose, to continue doing so.  For I can't imagine what it would be like to write without having anyone to share these with and not knowing it they matter or make any difference. 

In addition, from these writings so far have emerged my very first book (Customers: Love 'Em or 'Lose Em) and 4 articles that have been published in Association Now, a national magazine published by The American Society of Association Executives.

Moving forward, my post would not be complete if I did not also provide something for you to think about, to reflect on.  With this in mind, as we come to the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012, I invite you to reflect on the following questions:

In regards to 2011:
  • What were some of your biggest accomplishments, ones that you are particularly proud of and you feel are worthy of celebration?
  • What are your top 3 lessons learned, ones that you will take with you into the future, that will help you personally and professionally?
Looking to 2012:
  • What do you want to accomplish by end of 2012?
  • What challenges and obstacles do you anticipate?
  • What support do you think you will need to overcome these and where can you get this support?
  • What do you need to pick-up, and more importantly let go of now?
Thank you and I wish each and every one of you much continued happiness and success in the coming year, and beyond.

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