I finally decided to give it a go, do it for a year and then revisit. Well, 89 posts later, topics continue to emerge and readership continues to rise. So today I wanted to say THANKS to all of you for being part of my community and for subscribing to my blog. I do hope you have gotten some value from it. I certainly have enjoyed writing each and every post and in each post I have tried to share something practical that will be of use. Atleast that was my intent.
Of course, if you have any feedback for me, I would love to hear. This is a new experience for me and I am learning as I go. So any and all feedback is much desired and welcomed. Please write to me at vinay.vk.kumar@gmail.com.
In the meantime, through these blog writings, 3 ebooks emerged this year. They are:
1. 51 Ways to Love Your Customers
2. Race Pace: The Winning Formula to Achieve Maximum Growth & Profits
3. Why Don't Some People Get Along? (This one was written with my good friend Kara Scanlon Mckinn
If you would like copies, send me an email and I'll be happy to forward them to you. It's another way for me to say thanks.
I am now in the process of writing my 4th ebook roughly entitled "Thrive", with my long-time close friend Joe Isaacs. Joe is an association executive so this one will be targeted specifically to associations. I'll post something here on that when it's ready.
Well, that's all for now. Thanks again for everything and wishing each and every one of you and your loved ones much success, good health and happiness in the year ahead, and beyond.